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Sharing a New Chapter of My Life Story

Storytelling has been an integral part of human experience since ancient times. It’s a way to communicate that allows us to learn and relate to one another. By sharing our stories, we encourage others to share theirs. I think of the ones who knit their stories into the fabric of my being. Strangely, it was the ones who showed me their imperfections, their raw and unfiltered lives, who left the deepest impact. With their honesty and transparency, these brave souls forged a connection with me that remains deep within my heart. Perhaps it was because they had no desire to impress or conceal parts of themselves. They simply existed in their authentic form, and in doing so, kindled a flame of familiarity and relationship within me.

Deuteronomy 6: 5-7 says Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.

It wasn't long ago when children were told to be seen and not heard, and parents kept their feelings to themselves. This encouraged a culture of secrecy, where we felt the need to conceal our true selves and hide behind our fig leaves. As we became adults, we had to use these skills of concealment in order to fit in. This generation is split between concealment and shouting their truth from the rooftop. As one who is older, I find the power of sharing stories an exercise in liberation. At the same time, it’s wisdom for younger generations.

Today, I want to share a new part of my story. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve discovered a deepening inner connection with myself and God. My relationship with God has evolved in a way that transcends physical spaces. Although it may sound unconventional, my deep connection with God has been a journey of self-awareness and a constant reminder of his love and presence in my life. Being in touch with God’s indwelling love has allowed me to embrace my true self and feel at ease with who I am. As a result, I can handle the changes that come my way with grace and poise, most of the time. Although there are moments when I struggle to accept things beyond my control, I can quickly return to a place of rest because I know deep down HE IS WITH ME. This is the spark that ignites my soul to honor and serve God with devotion and compassion.

There’s this idea that life is split into two halves. The first half can be described as the doing phase. It’s a dance of identity filled with accomplishments. The focus is on careers, marriage, children, and acquiring things. We’re usually comparing and competing and trying to figure out who we are and what we’re called to do. The second half, or the being phase is marked by mystery, surrender becomes a virtue, and we mature spiritually. Peace and joy become your best friends. In the second half, we live out our life message. I have found that a calling echoes throughout life but manifests as a life message in the latter half of life.

Both chronologically and spiritually, I find myself in the second half of life. It's funny how when I was younger, aging was something I dreaded. But now, I wonder what all the fuss was about.

It reminds me of the blessing God gave job. The latter half of Job's life was more greatly blessed than the former. (albeit, we may not have to experience all that Job went through)

Mega Blessing


Wholeness In Practice

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